Using Site Search Data to Optimize Marketing Communication

Design for people, Use people language

Bhavana Angadi
2 min readNov 28, 2019
How do you search — nail paint or nail polish?

What’s the main goal of a banner in a home page?

Clicks (that is, we want people to click on the banner and explore)

How can we ensure the best CTR (Click Through Rate)?

If users can easily associate the words they see with the words they have in the mind, there’s a higher chance of clicking on the banner. This is because it requires less mental effort to perceive. Let’s call it ‘Association’.

For example, we can very quickly relate to ‘floor cleaner’ compared to ‘surface cleaner’.

How do we ensure association?

Internal search data can reveal very interesting insights. For example, we may use fancy words like nail paint, nail color in the banners and marketing campaigns. But when we looked at words by which users search, here’s what we learnt:

When a user wants to buy products of nail paint/ nail colour/ nail enamel/ nail polish, here’s the stats of keywords they used to search —

‘Nail polish’ was searched 316% more than ‘Nail paint’

Surprisingly, there were zero searches on ‘Nail colour’, ‘Nail color’, ‘Nail enamel’.

So clearly, we learnt that our users would associate with ‘nail polish’ more quickly when they see it in the banner, rather than nail paint, nail color. This is because we’re wired to take the path of least resistance.

By using the commonly searched terms in the banners, we saw an increase in the (clicks) CTR. Therefore, the text in the push notifications & banners could be optimized by knowing which search queries are popular.

Thank you for reading! :)



Bhavana Angadi
Bhavana Angadi

Written by Bhavana Angadi

Product Manager sharing my learnings about — Business, Technology, Design, Sustainability. For more, checkout:

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